Sunday, 6 April 2014

Dream Suite - 15 hours?!

Hi everyone!

Today I want to talk about the Dream Suite.

If you play like I do, you probably know that there are three badges that Phineas will give you for going to the Dream Suite excessively.

The first level isn't SO bad at a mere 50 visits.
Second level is a hefty 250 visits.
The final level? A totally reasonable 500 visits.

Can we just get real here for a moment?
I think the Dream Suite is cool and all, especially to get ideas about how to revamp your town, but I want to talk about what 500 visits actually means.

I've timed the process and done the math.
It's not pretty.

If you were ever unsure of just how much time/effort Nintendo expects from you to get all the badges, this should be a good hint at what's to come.

One visit (assuming you button-mash your way through the fastest options and let what's-her-name Luna pick the dream, AND assuming that you immediately leave without even looking around at the town) will take you 1.75 minutes (or 105 seconds if you prefer).

1.75 minutes x 500 visits = 875 minutes = 14.58 hours

So to get the gold badge for the Dream Suite, you're gonna have to spend more than 14 solid hours doing this - assuming you just power right through without actually looking at the towns.

Now, you may feel dismayed by this, but being the crazy person I am, I actually just decided that it was going to have to happen, so might as well get it over with by powering through it and then probably never using the feature ever again.

Another piece of math to note: 500 visits at 500 Bells a pop is going to cost you 250,000 Bells in the long run. 

If that seems high, well, good luck on the 100,000,000 Bell badge. I make my money mainly from my perfect peaches (selling them in my other town) and the stalk market. I'll blog about those later.

What I've done to help my keep on track is to actually keep meticulous track of each visit so that I know exactly where I am in my progress! (Luckily when I decided to go for this badge I'd only ever used the Dream Suite once, so I knew my starting point.)
Here's my sheet:
Super professional

If you're more of a spreadsheet kind of person, you could set up a table of 500 cells and fill each cell in with the name of the town. That would help if you get confused about whether or not you'd marked that visit yet.

For me, I figured out that there are 2 points in the 1.75 minutes that are suitable for marking my visit. My strategy was to ALWAYS mark it at the SAME TIME so that I don't get confused.

Option one is to wait until Luna says "One... sheep... [...]" - at this point you don't need to push any more buttons until you've loaded in the dream town and she starts talking to you again. This is the longer amount of time and I used this to stuff my face the time I was eating lunch while doing this.

Option two is when you hop back in the bed to go back to your town. Once she finishes talking, there's plenty of time to make your check-mark or whatever to keep track before you wake up back in your own town. That's when I mark it off. Every time. Never before.

I did stop after 50 to see if this was working, and sure enough I found Phineas walking around not long after with the badge for me - so I've confirmed that you don't need to be in the town for any minimum amount of time.

...And that's generally how I intend to finish this 3-badge collection off.
I'll keep you updated about my progress!

~ Mayor Blair

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